Business Breakthrough for Explosive Growth and Success in 2024




Do you find yourself repeating these tired worn-out phrases every year?

"This year is going to be my year!" 

"This year I'm finally going to get focused and follow through on my projects."

"This year I'm going to set boundaries and have work-life balance."

"This year, ____fill in the blank____."


The missing link to fulfilling these prophesies is experiencing a powerhouse mindset transformation that propels your external efforts to unprecedented heights


  • Boosted Productivity
  • Effective Time Management
  • Improved Focus & Concentration
  • Effective Decision-Making
  • Improved Leadership
  • Increased Resilience
  • Amplified Creativity & Innovation
  • Deepened Relationships
  • Renewed Joy & Balance


It's time to recognize the key to unlocking explosive growth and success lies within the untapped power of your MINDSET

💡 What you'll gain when you do the internal work first:


🚀 Explosive Growth: Experience a quantum leap in your business by aligning your internal and external strategies for maximum impact. 


🧠 Mental Clarity: Break free from the mental chaos that hinders creativity, productivity and success. 


🙂 Emotional Clarity: Let go of the emotional chaos hijacking decision-making and procrastination, as well as employee and client relationships. 


🧩 Strategic Integration: Discover how to seamlessly integrate internal and external strategies to create a harmonious and successful business model. 


Time Freedom: Reclaim your time and redefine your work-life balance

In this transformational 1-Day Business Breakthrough for Explosive Growth and Success in 2024 program, we break through your known and unknown mindset patterns holding you back from experiencing explosive growth and success so you...


  • feel energetically aligned with your goals. 


  • hit your goals with ease and flow.


  • get hours and time back into your life while increasing productivity.


  • focus and follow through with clarity. 


  • cultivate deeper relationships. 


  • confidently handle challenges that arise personally and professionally.


  • feel immense joy and peace as you navigate life.


Your 1-Day Business Breakthrough for Explosive Growth and Success in 2024

starts with one step... 

Book Your 30-Minute Strategy Call


This transformational program is intentionally designed to unleash new ways of being and thinking to support the results you want in 2024.


What's included in the transformational "1-Day Business Breakthrough for Explosive Growth and Success in 2024" Program? 

  • Private 30-minute Clarity Kick-Off Session 
  • Transformative One-Day Business Breakthrough for Explosive Growth and Success Experience 
  • Private 30-minute Post-Breakthrough Session


Are you tired of the same old, same old – getting on webinars, online courses, enrolling in programs - and not getting the results you’re looking for?


I hear this time and time again.


This is good news because it means you’re ready to up level your personal development.


You don't need more knowledge.


What you really want is TRANSFORMATION!


You want to transform yourself into the best version of you!


The version of you that is making the greatest impact within your business, community and family. 


That's why I created a program that gives you massive transformation in ONE DAY.


You can get unstuck and be on your way to the growth and success you know you have in you.


The first step is a free 30-minute 1:1 strategy call with me.  Pick a time now.  You'll be on your way to growth and success you never thought possible!


Book Your 30-Minute Complimentary Strategy Call


Investing in myself and my business by doing Kelli's one-day Breakthrough Experience helped me clear up mindset traps that were holding me back from expanding my business. For years I had wanted to create an extension of my business but never allowed myself to move past the dreaming stage. Kelli helped me move past my negative self-talk and lack of confidence in myself. She helped me move forward into making those dreams a reality. After my Breakthrough Experience, I increased my revenue by 40K in 3 months. I'm grateful for Kelli and look forward to achieving more dreams!
Christen P.
Business Owner & Consultant

Before working with Kelli I felt fragmented and unsettled. I was distracted by things in my business that kept me on the hamster wheel of stress and overwhelm. Kelli helped me clear the fear and emotional clutter keeping me from my big vision and purpose. She was great at holding space for me to transform. Now I am laser focused and surpassing my goals. I am fulfilling my purpose and making the impact I know I am here for.
Heather S.
Business Owner

Participating in Kelli's Breakthrough Experience left me energized and focused. I released an immense amount of negative emotions in one day that I had buried over many years. This has improved my ability to communicate with my family, clients and community members and has allowed me the gift of deeper relationships personally and professionally. I also felt so energetically connected to my goals. I no longer felt pulled in different directions. My money mindset was in direct alignment with my big company goals. 
Stephanie C.
Business Owner

 Want your own transformational results?


Get Started Now & Book Your 30-Minute Complimentary Strategy Call Now  


What is a 1-Day Business Breakthrough for Explosive Growth and Success Experience?

A 1-Day Business Breakthrough Experience is a supercharged intensive personal and professional individual session defined to bust through your fears and create the momentum needed to expedite the realization of your goals. 


1-Day Business Breakthrough for Explosive Growth and Success Experience do for me?

Engaging in a Business Breakthrough Experience is a rapid way to get your mental and emotional clutter under control. The session takes several hours which allows for quantum leaps to be made in your thinking. The presenting problem, root problem and any unresolved issues are dealt with consciously and subconsciously. There is a renewed sense of congruency, clarity and confidence, along with the motivation to move your life in the direction you want it to go. Clients notice major improvements in how they think, act and respond, are unburdened by previous doubts, fears and anxiety, and feel the freedom, peace and joy they were searching for. 


What are Breakthrough Experiences suitable for?

  • Overcoming distractions, follow-through, and productivity challenges.
  • Resetting your life and business so there's less stress and more harmony.
  • Busting through money barriers to increase sales, income and business growth.
  • Increasing motivation, clarity, and confidence.
  • Decreasing negative emotions, such as anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt, to improve communication and relationships.
  • Gaining fulfillment in any area of life - finances, career, health, relationships, spirituality.


How does a 1-Day Business Breakthrough for Explosive Growth and Success Experience work?

We make use of the world's most powerful personal development mind techniques. These techniques allow direct contact with your subconscious mind, which stores habits, memories and emotions. You enter the session aware of your conscious values and beliefs. During the session we bring awareness to the deeply rooted subconscious values and beliefs which actually drive your thinking, habits and behaviors. By aligning your conscious and subconscious thought patterns, you become a renewed and unstoppable force. 




Kelli Risse is passionate about helping business owners, entrepreneurs and high-achieving professionals transform their mind patterns to increase money, motivation and momentum. 

Through her speaking, coaching and powerful one-day Breakthrough Experiences, Kelli has helped hundreds of people break through faulty mind patterns to elevate success, live well and enjoy life.

Kelli's expertise is derived from 13 years in the health and wellness industry, overcoming her own personal challenges, and obtaining two master coaching certifications emphasizing neuroscience, communication, mindset, habits and behaviors, as well as ongoing research and education. 

Kelli is the CEO and Founder of Rise Up and Live Wellnes, and a contributing author in the Amazon #1 International Best Sellers, "Fearless and Fabulous" and "Tenacity." 

She has been featured on ABC, NBC, FOX & CBS, as well as many other online media outlets. She is the host of the podcast Winning In Business. 

Kelli earned her BFA from Illinois Wesleyan University and MFA from the University of CA, Irvine. 

She and her husband Marc reside in Missouri with their two boys. They enjoy playing golf, and attending concerts, theater productions and St. Louis Blues hockey games. 


Together let's transform your 2024 into more motivation, money and momentum?

Schedule Your 30-Minute Strategy Call Now!



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